We cover the entire EYFS, KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum for Physical Education. We want all of
our children to experience the learning of the whole curriculum, with creativity, enquiry, practical learning, cross-curricular links and application informing our delivery of these learning opportunities; fine and gross motor development, invasion games, speed, agility and coordination, striking and fielding, gymnastics and dance and outdoor an adventurous. Pupils across Key Stage 2 also experience swimming. So that our children, “learn not for school, but for life”.


Each year group completed cross-curricular planning on a half-termly basis which includes PE. Where possible, cross curricular links are made between PE and the overall half termly theme of the half term. For example, year 5 learned a traditional Greek dance as part of their European country study. Subject Leader monitors, supports, challenges and assesses through Leadership time. Physical Education has dedicated time each week, in each year group. To enhance the experiences offered through sport, we make regular use of external teaching specialists and visits/visitors. These include and are not limited to: Bikeability (including balance bikes in EYFS), pedestrian training, sports specialists through School Sport Partnership, Skip 2 Be Fit and Destination Judo. Where appropriate, we make regular use of learning opportunities in local area; pedestrian training and bikeability (KS2) and Beach School sessions. There are also frequent competitions and tournaments arranged through the School Sports Partnership for different year groups. Work is planned through rigorous focus on AfL and Next Steps in planning. Lessons are adapted to meet the needs of the children and are visible on lesson plans. CLUBS: key stage 2 currently access football clubs after school (y3/4, and y5/6).


Staff use assessment in every lesson to inform their short-term planning and to provide opportunities for intervention or support in future lessons. Plans are adapted to meet the needs of the children. AFL is completed on planning sheets which is used to inform summative assessment judgements for each topic. This information is shared with the subject leader in order to monitor and provide an insight into the quality of teaching and learning. Further monitoring includes; lesson observations, pupil voice and staff voice in staff meetings.

Long Term Plans 

Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6