
School Trends Uniform Link 

The school colours are red, grey/black and white and the Governors do ask that you encourage your child to wear the relevant uniform whilst at school. We also ask that suitable footwear is worn, as inappropriate footwear can be dangerous at playtimes, in particular. School clothing can be bought from any of the local stores at very reasonable prices. The school logo can be added to sweat shirts and polo shirts if required. Information and examples of school clothing can be seen at the school office.

We encourage all our children, even in the Nursery, to wear school clothing. Staff and Governors feel very strongly about this issue and believe;

  • It gives the children a sense of belonging and pride about their school.
  • Children are free from peer and fashion pressure
  • It’s a good routine to get into before secondary school
  • It looks smart
  • It can be quite reasonably priced.

Parents will be asked to sign a school agreement to say that they will follow the school clothing policy.

P.E. Clothing
For indoor lessons your child will need a change of footwear or bare feet, shorts and T-shirt. The shorts and T-shirt can be a combination of colours, for example black shorts and white or red T-shirt. Must be school colours.

For outdoor games a change of footwear is needed as well as track suit bottoms for the colder days.

Your child also needs a PE bag, drawstring to hang on their peg. Can we make sure that all items of clothing are named. Lost property is collected and kept for a short while but we cannot keep items indefinitely.

We feel very strongly about keeping all our children healthy and fit therefore PE sessions are very important to your child’s general well-being. Missing PE sessions will be closely monitored and you will be informed if we are concerned about your child’s attendance. This may not happen now we have spare kit available.
PE is a very important part of our school curriculum.
If your child is part of the swimming sessions he/she will need a swimming costume/trunks and a towel. Bikinis/tankinis are not permitted.
If your child has long hair he/she should either wear a bathing cap or something with which to tie their hair back.