Meals are cooked in the kitchen attached to the school. The children have a varied choice of menu; the 3-week rotating menu is sent out to all families by email. We encourage children to eat their lunch and to make healthy choices.
We encourage you to join us for lunch when your child starts our school.
Provision is made for your child to eat packed lunches brought from home. We do ask that this is in a box or suitable bag. Water is supplied but if your child brings a drink it must not be fizzy and should be drunk with their lunch. We do educate and encourage our children to make healthy choices therefore it would be very helpful if you could ensure packed lunches are well balanced. A piece of fruit, sandwiches and a biscuit or piece of cake, or something very similar will give a good balanced.
Sweets of any kind are not allowed.
If your child wishes to change from school to packed lunch or visa versa we ask that you give us a half terms notice.
Currently, the charge for a school meal is £2.45 for children and £3.30 for adults. Dinner money should be paid at the start of each week. Children should not swap their meal arrangements without a ½ terms notice.
It would be helpful if you could observe these points:
- PLEASE send dinner money at the start of each week. It is much easier for the school not to have to handle dinner money during the week. The option to pay dinner money half-termly, in advance, is also available – please enquire at the school office if you would like to do so.
- Please use the envelopes provided.
- Please send the correct amount, or a cheque made payable to “Coatham Primary School”. You can also pay online via ParentMail.
- Please complete the details on the envelope.
- If you need more envelopes, the school has a supply, but they should not be used for other monies.
Pupils whose parents receive Income Support or income based Job Seekers’ Allowance may be eligible for free school meals. If you think your child may be entitled to free meals, please contact the school or the Education Department, PO Box 83, Council Offices, Kirkleatham Street, Redcar TS10 1YA. Tel: 01642 444000 for an application form. Every effort is made to ensure that children receiving free meals cannot be distinguished from other children.