Religious Education


We cover the entire EYFS, KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum for Religious Education. We want all
our children to experience the learning of the whole curriculum, with creativity, enquiry, practical
learning, cross-curricular links and application informing our delivery of these learning
opportunities; Through Religious Education we aim to broaden our children’s horizons of the
wider world, We encourage and develop the inquisitive nature of children and build a culture of
respect, tolerance and acceptance. Children are encouraged to ask questions, make links and
think for themselves. So that our children, “learn not for school, but for life”.


Cross-curricular planning on a half-termly basis
Subject Leader monitors, supports, challenges and assesses through Leadership time.
Religious Education has dedicated time each term.
Regular use of external teaching specialists and visits/visitors; Rebecca Haughty, Sikh Visitor,
Training from Muslim Iman. Subject leader provides regular training for staff and attends RE Hubs
through the Diocese of York
Regular use of learning opportunities in local area; Visit to Hindu Temple postponed due to COVID
19, Visits to Coatham Christ Church.
Work is planned through rigorous focus on AfL and Next Steps in planning; work is therefore
planned and implemented to the needs of the children in long, medium, and short-term. We use
the Redcar and Cleveland Locally Agreed Syllabus as a basis for our Religious Education teaching
but the curriculum is enriched by adding in some units from Understanding Christianity at several
points through the year. We use the Understanding Christianity units of ‘Incarnation’, ‘Salvation’
and ‘Creation’. Rev Rebecca Haughty visits each class after each Understanding Christianity unit to
discuss with the children the ‘big questions’ that are posed by the units.
Every year during transition all children throughout school explore deeper questions of RE
through the NATRE ‘Spirited Art’s Competition’
Half-termly assessment of Religious Education. Transition planning/sharing time for Religious
SENDco and SLT monitor, support and challenge the inclusion and success for all groups and
CLUBS: Collective Worship team led by Mrs Waller


Vast majority of children meet end of year predictions in all areas.
Children build upon knowledge that they gain and deepen their understanding as they move
through school. The curriculum is designed to build upon previous learning and increase in self
reflection as the children travel through school in order to help prepare for transition to
secondary school and also into wider life.
By the end of Key Stage 2 the children are able to use the knowledge that they have gained to
hold deep discussions about their life and the wider world.
Rev Rebecca Haughty is always so impressed with the level of understanding the children display
when she visits each class after the Understanding Christianity units.

Implementing the Redcar & Cleveland’s LEA Agreed Syllabus 2015 – 2020

Implementing the Redcar & Cleveland’s LEA Agreed Syllabus 2015 – 2020

Foundation Stage

FoundationStage 1

Special TimesOwn experiences – birthdays etc

Autumn and Harvest festivals in school and church- thanksgiving.

Other festivals /special times in other religions (at least one other)

Special stories

Why do we celebrate Christmas?

Special storiesWhat are our special stories?  Why and how are they special?

Special People

Who is special to us?  Jesus is special to Christians – stories about Jesus.

Special Times

Easter – signs of new life

Special People in the communityWho is special to us?  Religious leaders e.g.  vicar, priest, imam, monk, nun or any appropriate to the local community


Infant Baptism

FoundationStage 2

Special TimesHarvest and Christian beliefs about caring for our world

Divali – the festival of light

Special stories

Why was Jesus’ birth seen as special?

Special BooksThe Bible as a special book for Christians

Special Stories

Stories Jesus told (e.g.The Lost Coin) Other stories from the Bible

Special Times

Easter – new life and celebration

Special placesChurch visit through the senses

(ICT virtual visit if actual visit not possible)


Weddings- Christian and Hindu marriage ceremonies

Key Stage 1

Year Term Unit Title Religion and belief/ theme focus Key Concept
1 Autumn 1 Who am I and why am I special? Belief Impact of faith
1 Autumn 1 How and why do Christians celebrate harvest? Christian Belief                       Impact of faith
1 Autumn 2 What does it mean to belong in Christianity? Christian Worship
Impact of faith
1 Autumn 2 Why are gifts given at Christmas? Christian Belief
Impact of faith
1 Spring 1 Why is Jesus special to Christians? Christian Belief
Teachings/ Authority
1 Spring 2 Why is Easter special for Christians? Christian Belief
Teachings/ Authority
1 Summer 1 How do both Jews and Christians think the world was created? Christian and Judaism Belief
Teachings/ Authority
1 Summer 2 How do Jews worship at home? Judaism Belief


Year Term Unit Title Religion and belief/ theme focus Key Concept
2 Autumn 1 How and Why do Christians care for others? Christians Teachings/ Authority
Impact of Faith
2 Autumn 1 How and why do Jews celebrate Sukkot? Judaism Belief
2 Autumn 2 How and why is Christmas the festival of light? Christians Belief
Teachings/ Authority
2 Spring 1 Why is Moses important to Jews? Judaism Belief
Teachings/ Authority
2 Spring 1 Why is the Bible special for Christians? Christians Teachings/ Authority
2 Spring 2 How do Christians celebrate Easter? Christians Belief
Teachings/ Authority
2 Summer 1 What can we learn from visiting a church? Christians Beliefs
2 Summer 2 What can we learn from the story of a saint? Christians Teachings/ Authority
Impact of Faith

Key Stage 2

Year Term Unit Title Religion and belief/ theme focus Key Concept
3 Autumn 1 What do Hindus believe about God? Hinduism Belief
3 Autumn 1 How and why do Hindus worship at Home and in the Mandir? Hinduism Worship
Impact of Faith
3 Autumn 2 Why is Advent important to Christians? Christian Worship
Teachings/ Authority
3 Spring 1 What do miracles tell us about who Jesus was? Christian Belief
Teachings/ Authority
3 Spring 2 What do Christians remember on Palm Sunday? Christian Belief
Teachings/ Authority
3 Summer 1 Why are holy books important? All religions Belief
Teachings/ Authority
3 Summer 2 How do Jesus’ parables help Christians live their lives? Christian Teachings/ Authority
Impact of Faith


Year Term Unit Title Religion and belief/ theme focus Key Concept
4 Autumn 1 Why do religions have rules? All religions Teachings/ Authority
Impact of Faith
4 Autumn 1 How and why do Hindus (or Sikhs) celebrate Divali? Hinduism Teachings/ Authority
4 Autumn 2 How do Christians celebrate Christmas today? Christian Worship
4 Spring 1 How and why do religious people pray? All religions Worship
4 Spring 2 Why is lent such an important time for Christians? Christian Worship
Teaching/ Authority
4 Summer 1 What can we learn about symbols and beliefs from visiting religious buildings? All religions Worship
4 Summer 2 What do religions say about the environment? All religions Belief
Teaching/ Authority
Impact of Faith


Year Term Unit Title Religion and belief/ theme focus Key Concept
5 Autumn 1 Why is Muhammad important to Muslims? Islam Belief
Teaching/ Authority
Impact of faith
5 Autumn 1 What is the Qur’an and why is it important to Muslims? Islam Belief
Teaching/ Authority
Impact of faith
5 Autumn 2 Why is the birth of Jesus important to Christians? Christian Belief
Teaching/ Authority
5 Spring 1 Why do people travel to sacred places? All religion Worship
Impact of faith
5 Spring 2 What happened at the last supper? Christian Belief
Teaching/ Authority
5 Summer 1 What do Christians believe about God? Christian Belief
5 Summer 2 Why and how do Christians celebrate Pentecost? Christian Belief
5 Summer 2 How do Christian groups differ in their expression of faith? Christian Belief


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