

We cover the entire KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum For Computing. We want all
our children to experience the learning of the whole curriculum, with creativity,
enquiry, practical learning, cross-curricular links and application informing our
delivery of these learning opportunities; We teach word processing skills, data
organisation and retrieval and internet safety, so that our children, “learn not for
school, but for life”.


Cross-curricular planning on a half-termly basis
Subject Leader monitors, supports, challenges and assesses through Leadership time.
Computing has dedicated time each week.
Regular use of learning opportunities in local area; using iPads as a way of recording
visits through pictures and as a stimulus for related work.
Work is planned through rigorous focus on AfL and Next Steps in planning; work is
therefore planned and implemented to the needs of the children in long, medium, and
Half-termly assessment of Computing. Transition planning/sharing time for
Computing, SENDco and SLT monitor, support and challenge the inclusion and
success for all groups and individuals
Families who requested or were identified as needing technology to complete
Lockdown work at home were given a device, therefore allowing them to access all
learning from home, not just computing.
Computing club for KS2 started September 2021.


Vast majority of children meet end of year predictions in all areas.
All children have access to Purple Mash and Showbie accounts which can be accessed
at home to further their learning.
Annual Internet Safety days recap